Active events
Associate device
Backup schedule
Cash Check-In overview
Cash game overview
Cash sessions archive
Check-In overview
Clock overview
Configuration overview
Create a new VIP campaign
Create a Tournament billboard
Creating a cash game session
Customize clock layout
Customize tickets layout
Customize Tournament billboard layout
Edit the payout
Edit the structure
eMail templates
First access
FREE License
Game type
How to customize the audio
How to set up audio for an event
How to show results
Import players
Installing kHold'em
kHold'em account Password recovery
kHold'em License
kHold'em Units
Knock-out tournament
Level templates
Levels section
License Expiration
Marketing overview
Multi buyins tourament
Multi-day Tournament
Obtaining License
Payment modalities
Payout templates
Planning and Preparation
Player overview
Player statistics overview
Project a tournament
Project a Tournament billboard
Project more tournaments on single monitor
Project on monitor
Ranking overview
Rebuys-Addons tournament
Registration of a new kHold'em Account
Renewing License
Required Permissions
Seasons & Leagues
See active License
Send an eMail
Send an SMS
Sit'n Go templates
SMS Gateway configuration
SMS templates
Stakes definition
Status bar
Subscribe a player
Subscribe a player
System Requirements
Tab: Accounts
Tab: Alerts
Tab: Attachments
Tab: Buyins
Tab: Buyins
Tab: Cash game
Tab: Cashgame settings
Tab: Clubs
Tab: Events
Tab: Financial
Tab: Flights
Tab: General
Tab: General
Tab: General
Tab: General
Tab: Histories
Tab: History
Tab: History
Tab: Levels
Tab: Levels
Tab: Manual points
Tab: Notifications
Tab: Payments
Tab: Payments
Tab: Payout
Tab: Payouts
Tab: Payouts assignment
Tab: Player informations
Tab: Players
Tab: Players
Tab: Players
Tab: Players
Tab: Players
Tab: Qualified
Tab: Rankings
Tab: Reservations
Tab: Rewards
Tab: Rewards
Tab: Settings
Tab: Settings
Tab: Sponsor
Tab: Stacks
Tab: Statistics
Tab: Tables
Tab: Tables
Tab: Ticket
Tab: Tickets
Tab: Tips
Tab: Tournament
Tab: Tournament settings
Tab: Tournaments
Tab: Tournaments
Tab: Transactions
Tab: Transactions
Tab: VIP Store
Tab: Waiting list
Tab: Web & Social
Title bar
Touch-screen Check-In
Tournament billboard overview
Tournament management overview
Tournament templates
Tournaments and Sit'n Go overview
Types of Licenses
Used Ports
User groups
User interface
View/modify subscription data
View/modify subscription data
VIP points calculation rules
VIP System overview
Waiting list section
Wellcome to kHold'em Documentation