kHold'em account Password recovery

If you have a kHold'em Account but you have forgotten your password click on "Problems logging in?"

The following screen will appear:

Enter the email with which you registered your kHold'em account and click on "Next".

If the email is not found in the system, the following message will be displayed:

 Otherwise the procedure will ask for the password reset data as shown below

Fields list - Security
Field Mandatory Description
Verification code Yes Enter the second part of the verification code received at the email address specified in the first step of the procedure

Attention! If the email has not arrived, try clicking on "Send a new code" to receive a new email.

Also check if the email ended up in junk mail

Security Question The procedure displays the security question chosen when creating the kHold'em account.
Answer Yes Enter the answer to the previous security question

Attention! The security answer will be requested exactly as it will be entered in this box, also considering the correctness of the uppercase and lowercase letters entered.

Password Yes

Choose a password for the kHold'em account.

The password must meet the following minimum security requirements:

  • it must be at least 8 characters long

and must meet at least 3 of the following requirements:

  • must contain a capital letter
  • must contain a lowercase
  • it must contain a number
  • it must contain a special character
Confirm password Yes Rewrite the previously written password

By clicking on the "Next" button, if all the data have been entered correctly, the end screen will appear.