Tournament management overview

The 'Tournament management overview' window shows you all of the different tabs which relate to your tournament. You will be able to control all different aspects of your tournament from this window.  You have a number of different tabs on the ribbon which will be explained in more detail in the table below.

Tournament management ribbon

Tournament management ribbon

Button Description
Edit structure Allows you to everything related to the tournament such as blind levels, buyins and flights etc
Edit payouts Allows you to everything related to the tournament payouts
Refresh This will refresh your tournament to make sure everything is up to date
Show on monitor You can choose which screens and displays to show your tournament clock or waiting list on
Complete Once your tournament is finished, you click complete to remove it from the control panel
Web details This will generate your tokens and a link to see the tournament details online

This is your tournament status.

  • Opened - Tournament is open for registration as normal
  • Suspended - This will create a waiting list for your tournament
  • Closed - Registration is closed for this tournament
Previous level/Next level This is to go back or forward a level
Play This will start the tournament clock
Edit timer This allows you to move to a different part of the current level

There is also a number of tabs for your tournament which are shown below. These will be explained on their designated tab in this manual.

Tournament management tabs

Tournament management tabs