The 'Players' tab of the Cash Check-in component will show you a list of every player who has participated in a cash game in this cash game session. You can edit any players details by double clicking on their name.

There are a number of columns and we will explain them in more detail below:
- The first column shows the player's status. A red circle means they are no longer player and a green circle means they are still currently playing
- The second column shows the flag from their country
- The third column shows their gender
- The Player column shows the player's name
- The Seat column shows the seat the player is currently sitting in
- The Stakes column shows which game they are playing
- The Entries column shows how many times they have sat at a new cash game in this session
- The Waiting column shows the duration that the player was on a waiting list for
- The Played column shows how long the player has been playing for in this session
- The Break time column shows how long a player has been on a break for in this session
- The No. rake column shows how often the player had to pay rake
- The Rake total column shows the total amount of rake they had to pay in this session
- The Rake due column shows how much rake they still owe
- The Stack total column shows how many chips a player has purchased
- The Stack due column shows how many chips are player is owed
- The Tip total column shows how much in tips the player has given to the staff
- The Tip due column shows??????????
- The Cash out column shows how much the player has cashed out for
- The Profit column shows the player's profit in this session
You can sort the information by clicking the corresponding column heading |